"Christian Zanési (1952) is a younger composer who has been active with the GRM since 1977 after studying with Pierre Schaeffer and Guy Reibel. He is “a pure studio composer, a ‘sound sculptor.’ His music, which is inscribed and elaborated in the stereophonic environment, aims at establishing via loudspeakers a physical connection with the listener: that vibrant, organic being.” He says: “I have the very distinct feeling that music is only a ‘grand noise’ and that its interior is sculpted in a thousand details. It opens like a living organism to let my hearing wander around in it.”"
Music composed for a choreographic spectacle by Michel Kelemenis. Atmospheric musique concrete / electroacoustique, one of the best things I've heard from this genres.

brać, dziatwo!
OdpowiedzUsuńaaa ja slucham,słucham.Nawet zdjęcie dodałem na lascie:).A jestesmy w chój blisko teraz gustami jeśli o elektronike chodzi.Właściwie powinieneś wszystko tam odemnie wziąsc co ostatnio było(teoretycznie mówię:P bo dużo tego było).
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