piątek, 2 stycznia 2009

Vladimir Hirsch - Tobruk

Vladimír Hirsch - Tobruk

1 Agami (Introduction)
2 The Presage
3 First Victory
4 At The Grave
5 Reentry Of Enemies
6 The Escape
7 Through Ther Desert
8 Inertia Of Space
9 Destiny Command
10 Back To Struggle
11 The Final Gleam
12 Catharsis (Ending)

One of the best records I've heard from this year. Some tracks are brilliant, the rest is at least good. This isn't choral music, but I consider it great and obscure enough to deserve some promotion. The author is a promising young Czech composer, known for his experiments with mixing dark ambient with contemporary classical, the result he calls "integrated music".
"Soundtrack to the movie with the same name. Musicians: Vladimír Hirsch - keyboards, synthesizers, samplers, digital technique, programming) with participation of Martina Sanollová (vocal in no.12) and Czech Integrated Ensemble. Thematic album, created from the author´s original soundtrack, where he participated unsuccesfully in competition for the movie with the same name. Twelwe tracks with mainly descriptive names of scenes or acts, bring together an axis of the story, respecting in contours the movie screenplay. Total time 44 min. CDR (© 2008 CatchArrow Recordings, Catch 057)."

5 komentarzy:

  1. Uuuu zajebioza,wielkie dzięki. Nie wiedziałem że takiego staffu słuchasz...Czytam właśnie o walkach o Tobruk.
    Martial cię nie interesuje?
    BTW pierwsz3 C93 łykaj.

    Heilige Beduini!

  2. ja słucham wszystkiego, najwyżej nie wszystko mi się podoba ; )

    martialu słuchałem kilka krążków i tylko Les Joyeux De La Princesse czy jakoś tak (straszna nazwa) mnie przekonało. C93 oczywiście znam, choc przyznaję że zbyt wybiórczo.

  3. No to móie weź pierwsze:P (Dog Blood Rising )i to mówię właśnie w kontekscie Tobruku.

    Tu jakiś metalowy Beduin rozdaje:


    Heilige Fields Of Rape!

  4. http://www.vladimirhirsch.com

    - he is not too young...... (born 3.7.54)

  5. Well, in terms of being a composer 50 yo is still young in my opinion ;)
