piątek, 24 kwietnia 2009

Joxan Goikoetxea & Juan Mari Beltran - Egurraren Orpotik Dator...

Another special one, this record contains basque folk mixed with electronica and mild experimentation. It focuses on Txalaparta, a strange kind of wooden drum. There are also bagpipes, accordion and ethereal female singing included, as well as a lot of ambient electronics. As a result we have something like ritual dark ambient with strong emphasis on percussion. Neither the record nor it's creators are famous and it's a pity. Link borrowed from some Basque site, I hope it's not a problem. Highly recommended.

Postanowiłem coś wrzucic zanim Latający zagrozi mi śmiercią :F Baskijskie świry powinny Ci przypasc do gustu, zwyrolu ;]

niedziela, 5 kwietnia 2009

Jan Dismas Zelenka - Missa Sanctissimae Trinitas

Jan Dismas Zelenka was a Czech composer who worked for Augustus II of Saxon as a roman catholic masses composer. This is my favourite of his compositions, I simply adore Kyrie Eleison II of this mass. No cover this time since it's extremely hard to find one in decent quality. I also apologize for low bitrate, but that's all I have.
